Transmogrification of a Clockwork World

Consider this to be a story. I’m not saying that it is or is not so, only to allow such consideration into the ground from which you read and ponder what you do read. For there is much output called “information” in these times which is not so, and what is true or not true among all outputs can be made more or less so by the degree to which we call upon our individual sovereign nature.

Consider, too, that even among those constructs that are false, we as a people remain subject only because we dwell within a realm which was wrested from us in an ancient struggle, a struggle that has been hidden and obscured through some of the mechanisms that this writer is touching upon in the prologue for what is to come. Questions will be asked to inspire deeper inquiry, and ever it is important to employ Deep Listening beyond what you think or believe that you know, as some elements are not as simple, nor as complex, as they would seem at surface evaluation. Then let us begin.

Clockwork: a mechanism with a spring and “toothed” gearwheels used to drive a mechanical clock, toy, or other device

How many times have any among us stopped to wonder why certain dates or numbers or places are important, or are important to certain religions, or important to a certain group of dark controllers? We see it, we know it, and yet we experience the full effect of the diversionary field set in place to turn our eyes away from it. Still we look, and we ponder, and sometimes we See. Endless hours and days and weeks and years of speculation, ad infinitum ad nauseum across lifetimes, exhausting our resources as we must re-learn what was wiped in the between times. Yet we must know, and more urgently we must See through the illusions that are cast. What does it mean, and how are we to fully apprehend through complete inner-standing, that which has been so featly hidden for so long?

Durer’s “Melancholia”, a Masonic Primer extraordinaire.

There is an analogy that lies close to the truth, beyond tangential to the vesic, an intersection of fable and the real wherein we might discover one of the keys to liberation. And yet we must understand what it is from which we seek, or must seek, liberation, to even begin this segment of the journey.

Many have done so, but not most, at least as such things are generally counted on this world that propagandists would have us believe is populated in the billions (and think closely upon why you believe this to be true and who it is that measures such things and “informs” you of them). It remains shrouded this battle for the minds and hearts and will of a select few among the many, and among them those who actually have minds and hearts and will, they who stand out in dark places as a lighthouse upon a dark shore. We who understand and inner-stand this may sadly acknowledge the mystery and continue.

So if we are of that selection, and we have begun to awaken to the true nature of things—words being what they are and how wrongly sometimes used, let us hold to the common meanings for now—then what is going on?

There are some among our numbers who are putting together larger and larger sections of the puzzle, and it is to their credit, and our collective credit, that this must be acknowledged (see notes below). For now let some of those insights be enumerated, though let us not be distracted with the idea that any one person owns a truth, or truths, or that they “discovered” something that has been true since the Beginning, nor that those who uncover certain truths through research are more authority than those who re-Member it. Let us also not be fooled into beLIEving that a strong emotional connection is equivalent to memory. These are distinctions that matter.

What we call “the World” is not what we have been told, and indeed whole constructs have been created to obscure the Truth and propagate fantastical lies. We call these constructs “academia”, “science”, and “mathematics” (among other constructs and other names, though these are chief), and are heavily indoctrinated to hold them as utterly inviolate to any query that does not have as premise that inviolability. Social engineering serves to ensure that any who query these constructs are mocked, deconstructed and shunned, with the rules in those false constructs the only rules that are generally accepted. Even among those who are waking up to this elaborate ruse will still employ that social engineering as part of the toolkit to render its deconstruction, and this writer is just as guilty of it as anyone. Indeed, none while yet within the construct can escape it wholly, and so we must ever practice vigilance.

So if we abandon the doctrines of academia, and the decades of mocking poseurs who have ridiculed the work of earlier seekers and way-showers, we must sift through that earlier output with finer sieve to see what yet remains. One particular grain of what remains deserves a deeper look, and through such inquiry many of the riddles and open-ended equations we have learned to live with in our collective cognitive dissonance, can begin to resolve.

Consider, then, that the truth of “the world” is closer to the old etchings of vessels within vessels, where levels and layers as depicted therein are the true nature of this realm, rather than the rounded baubles hanging in a “sky” or “heavens”, and that “sky” and “heaven” are not what we have been taught to believe them to be. Extend this consideration to encompass that one could potentially pass from one state of being, or layer or level, into (or out of) this another, accessed through the knowledge or apprehension of certain mechanisms contained within these layers and levels. These layers and levels with their access and egress points would have existed for as long as the realm itself, and they would have been well-known and employed freely by those who created it, warded and guarded it. And if such a realm were a place made to be beautiful beyond compare, and rich in possibility, then it would be coveted. Such coveting would lead to the contemplation and execution of thievery on a scale beyond imagining, but this is what occurred. Because of this theft, those waypoints have not been accessible for some time and I feel the reasons for this, as well as the true nature of this Realm, are coming to light in this Now.

These Matryoshkas are a metaphor and not the reality suggested, but what a beauteous, awe-inspiring metaphor this art!

A alternate art to ponder.

As a result of the theft and the machinations to complete the hijacking, we reside within a kind of oubliette where the term “prison planet” is actually derived, but it was not always this way. Rather, it was made so by those who first corrupted and then seized control, and they realized that they needed us to teach them first how this realm works before they could complete the hijacking.

A point of clarity: I am not here endorsing or engaging in the various “flat Earth” dialogs because those are not the truth any more than the popular model of the “Solar System” are the truth. This article is about something wholly other that is hinted at within both, and to inner-stand this the reader must set both constructs aside and engage in the Deep Listening that I mentioned earlier.

The identity of these hijackers and would-be controllers is not important to the purpose of this article, and I won’t be following that track here. Much disinformation has been created to distract us from looking Deeper, and engaging that construct is a waste of energy. For now, I will simply refer to them as “the controllers” or hijackers or interlopers because I refer to their base crime and give them not the respect of a title that is loftier. They are not “gods” and do not deserve our fear or reverence. They are more like to squatters albeit clever ones.

To maintain their hold and achieve their goals, the controllers have farmed multiple crops, but their chief and choice is those of us select who are in possession of what they fear and crave. It serves their nefarious ends to keep these select ones in endless loops of argument and “contemplation” upon those constructs that they create to obfuscate and distract, so that we arrive never at the truth. Other crops include the empty lower emotional states that are their own junk food, as well as the hybrids and constructs they use this place to grow and develop. But again, this piece is not about what is popularized inside the alternative community or alt media or however you style such things in your own mind. Go deeper still.

I carry memories of piloting the craft that navigate the water portals, a way out of this oubliette into side realms. “Portal” is not perhaps the best name, as it evokes the false science fiction imagery intended to cloud and trick us, but a “portal” is an opening that leads from one place or state to another, and in this sense it is as good as any. The “portals” then are not simple, single, or fixed, but they are multiple, layered, and ever changing. To enter a portal in one of these craft feels like diving into fathomless water from a great height, with the knowledge that you are choosing your own ending unless you are successful in your endeavor. It is a plunge into the ineffable deep dark and it is terror you cannot imagine without taking that plunge yourself. But it does not stop with the first plunge. Every nano-second of that traversing you are on high alert, feeling for every slightest change that tells you where the next shift and change in the portal will occur, because you must pilot your vessel with absolute perfection through ever one of them. It is water, and so as changeable as water, though more so since it is combined with the very stuff of what sets this realm apart from others. It is not simply water and “energy”, but much more.

It may now become clear why one must possess powerful and immediate reflexes tied in with strong intuition and telepathy, and why their highly complex genetic and breeding programs exist. For they were as trapped as we when they wrested control, because we Shut the Gates upon them to contain their Infection.

But what of those other ways to effect and manipulate this realm? They must exist still, as once they did. Perhaps their existence can be seen in the controllers obsession with dates and times and places and numbers. Perhaps more clearly can these be seen in their fascination with and tireless efforts to infiltrate mystery schools where knowledge of such matters has been shared in utmost secrecy to those true initiates, those bodies which were eventually discovered and infiltrated in effort to wholly eliminate any understanding of what was taught and thus render its perversion. Such infiltration of these and many other bodies (for I use this word instead of “construct” for a true form is not a construct) can often be spotted through one very simple absence, though that will be discussed another time.

If one holds in consciousnesses the image of the layered nature of our oubliette, and ponders how certain dates and times and numbers are fixated upon the minds of those who hold control of it, and then looks through this lens at the components of what is called astrology, an understanding may begin to click into place. Why indeed are there the ancient teachings that certain workings must be done on specific “feast days”, corrupted latterly into “holy-days”, that claim certain doorways and paths are opened when the work performed correctly and in the proper alignment and atunement?

As one allows these things to sink in, one might begin to See that we live in more than oubliette, for even this pocket reality must have passageways Otherwhere. Perhaps one might See it as through the metaphor of a giant clockwork, with many operations and ways and means, a labyrinth that is continuously made within the bounds of the Realm. Or See it as layers and folds that grow and en-layer and en-fold over the course of existence much as our physical brains grow and complexify over the course of that brain’s existence. They are much the same, and more the same than you may realize.

Transmogrification: transform, especially in a surprising or magical manner

Suborning such a Realm would take a Long View indeed, and a great deal of patience over a long accumulation of what we call time. Time itself is not a negative construct, but was made so, as was much else in this Realm, because one cannot exert ownership and control when such things do not actually exist without a great deal of manipulation. How else does one convince a group of beings who have all they could ever want or need, with the boundless ability to create and experience all they could possibly ever desire, that they were small and ignorant and finite? Some of that layering is apparent to all who contemplate such things, though not all of it and I wager some of the most obvious are yet obscured by the conditioning that yet remains the ground upon which all feet in this realm stand.

The inversion, as many are re-membering Now.

One could See this place as it was intended, a Realm where a beautiful and timeless Work could be accomplished upon the Self both as individual and as collective. In the beginning, there was no ownership or hierarchy, no competition or greed or strife, because these are not our “natures” and the beLIEf in such things is part of the manipulation to hold the false construct of control. This Realm was intended to be a garden within the greater existence, a Temple to explore the intersection of free will and creativity in joy and peace. It remained for a long time before a door was opened on a dark place, and some with darker designs allowed their greed to overwhelm empathy. Tale as old as time.

Those who seized control through their coveting and their infiltration are the same ones who claimed to cast us out for our “sins”, and though this “they” may not be the same group that devised all of the oppressive constructs that we recognize today as such, they are certainly the ones who made such things possible. One might style them the Original Priesthood, and inner-stand that their transgression may not have been the deep and dark evil which has been mythologized in recent times, but the lesser sin of simply coveting what they could not fully possess, and believed that they “knew best”. It is this Original Priesthood whose power has ended with the close of the Great Cycle, and whose ending is felt in desperate reverberations throughout all societies at this Now moment, exhibited in increased aggression and pressures to hold old control systems, assertions of dictatorship and the like. It is this bootless push for hierarchy that is the loudest telltale, for it was an imposition of hierarchy that made all the constructs possible.

The Good Work is any work that be True. It is never exclusionary. Rather it is free and open, absent of hierarchy, for it is made in that Joy of Joys which is the celebration of All that We Are, in a where and a when that nothing is withheld and all is Shared. To steal this from us through the imposition of systems that require exclusion in order to survive (capitalism, money, etc.) is one of their more effective tricks, and navigating this construct has caused great harm to all intended or no. This is why the dismantling of it is such a constant priority among all communities that seek the True Sovereign among the rubble of existence made by these machinations. We know in our innermost being that the truly sacred is the truly open and natural.

It is why we still yearn for this Realm to be a safe place for beauty and goodness to be expressed, discovered, and deepened. It is why this place was protected by certain Keys to be used on certain Feast Days, to ensure that those who desired to enter or exit should study discipline to so do. Some “elites” bent their effort to trickery and manipulation as those ever do who feel an inner inadequacy to the Work, choosing shortcuts in their place. To some, this was a Temple of Creation. To others, it was a game to be exploited. To all, this will soon come to an end.

You could think of it as a temple in a far removed place, a Shangri-La where only aspirants of the purest and truest merit could seek to find, and then see it corrupted at first by one trickster who persuaded others to perform a corrupted working on a Key date, and see that key turning the tumblers on a lock, opening a door inappropriately and incorrectly, as it were, but made corrupt in that working. Once someone of mal-intent was allowed Within, the tune and beat were changed, and it could no longer be a place wholly of the sacred. Basically, there went the neighborhood.

More and more of us are Seeing the end of this construct, and a return to Home, long awaited and eagerly welcomed. Some of us fully comprehend that there is no resolution, or “ascension”, for something so corrupt and so filled with evil and suffering. There can be no saving, only freedom.

It takes only a tiny cancerous cell, to bring rampant disease to the whole. The smallest shadow can warp utterly what had been a state of pure creative joy. This warping is what eventually allowed the dark beings to enter, and to wrest control from those who thought themselves the true masters.

The Fall was not a transgression against some purported deity, but against ourselves, and for this, we have paid and paid far beyond the honor price we owed to ourselves or each other. Yet we are engineered and manipulated to hold on to a guilt, an unworthiness, because it is that frequency of emotion that perpetuates their hold upon us. Without the loosening of guilt’s grip, we can never breathe air through its chokehold, and fail to realize who we truly are.

These may seem simplistic concepts at surface reading, but they truly are not, nor are they derivative of what you think you know. This is not intended as a weaving of other tales which obscure the truth, but a call to re-Member what you Are. For the truth ever held in simple concepts as water in a clear glass best slakes our thirst. The over-crowding and clouding of terminologies and ideologies and all ologies and isms are the shadows cast by the very small and the very fearful who dread the day of our Full Awakening, a day that is near at hand and the Final Day, by their reckoning, the true End Times for all the dark controllers and their paradigm.

As one gazes within, one might see how that deep guilt expresses in little ripples and expressions throughout all those tracks (what we erroneously call timelines or lifetimes), how even our interactions with other awakening ones can be corrupted and warped. The twin dark emotions of fear and guilt are the real prison, the bedrock of belief in the constructs of ownership and control, and it is only the failure to see them in their fullsomeness which prevents us from seeing their true purpose and impact.

It is perhaps less important to monitor the dark dates and machinations of the corruptors as we pull our collective consciousness out of our collective amnesia, for their machinations will lose more and more of their stolen power, even over the mindless hordes they have created to keep us in fear and distraction. Last night I watched in wonder as the lines on the palms of my hands disappeared, and experienced a Knowing that the Return we have longed for is so very close. Those who have hearts and minds and will are already awake, but many of them are still in beLIEf, and do not know it. These are the ones we are tasked with reaching in this Now. The time of raging at the machine is ended, and its dismantling is for Now. It is time and the Clockwork nears the zero hour when the Doors will be opened and we may Purify the Temple once more. The transmogrification will be reversed, and what is True will stand. Then, in truth, there will be much Joy and Sharing far beyond all imaginings or dreams.

Oh then how we will fly!

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