Economic Collapse is Neither Necessary Nor Inevitable: Refuting the Ideology of Collapse

It is one of the many tricks played on us that the only way an economy behaves is via boom and bust modalities. Exuberant success or abysmal failure. We have been conditioned to see things in binary, that all solutions are oriented to either/or and there are no alternative perspectives that hold validity or effectiveness. This is simply not true, and even the most hypnotized can comprehend the myriad of examples proving same.

Pause for a moment and observe within the past those times when anxiety or fear has obliterated all options save for two. This fear programming is part of the larger menu of control mechanisms by which we are herded into a psychic abattoir. We call these fear mechanisms a “self fulfilling prophecy” but it is much more than this. Indeed, calling it “self-fulfilling” puts all of the burden of the fear and its results on the one being manipulated, rather than accounting for the ones doing the manipulation.

While it is true that there are self-fulfilling mechanisms, look closer at the words. “Self fulfill”, as in, self-oriented, as in, making others invisible. Such a mechanism is contrary to the energetic by which we grow spiritually, to wit, cooperation with others. It subverts our free will into what is called by some a “victim” orientation, implying that our own ability to actuate or otherwise control our personal reality is somehow primarily employed in our own degradation, and that such an operation is inevitable because we are too sheep-like to do otherwise.

By keeping us focused on the ideology of collapse, which is what the money system of the “controllers” is actually predicated upon, it diverts our innovative energies away from all the things that we could be doing to safely and effectively transition from a diseased, exploitative system to a wholistic and beneficial commerce construct. It is the fallacy that the only way we can move from one to another is to destroy ourselves. See the fear mechanism for what it is – a method of keeping you from doing anything other than following the herd to the slaughter.

To transition away from what is harming us only requires opening the mental energies away from the fear. This means replacing the harmful thoughtforms with positive ones. As more and more people do this, solutions will bubble up that we hadn’t considered before. You will understand that barter has been demonized as a method of commerce (though it has been a more effective method of interacting in the conduit of “commerce”) and then presented as the only alternative to capitalism. Why do we need either system?

Remember that when you feel the urge to ridicule blindly, without thought, this is evidence of interference in your perceptual mechanism. There will be many inventive solutions and these should be employed immediately to ease the challenges of transition away from the harmful systems we currently use.

Much of what those with money consider necessities are not really necessary at all. Consumerism is a disease and everyone is affected by it in some way, even the most enlightened among us. The only true “collapse” will be an end of the system of consumerism which was created as a population control mechanism during the era of the Robber Barons, which means longer than anyone has been alive today. Because of this, we have become accustomed to accepting it as our status quo without question. While many have pushed back against it, often it remains within an ideology that all of these things are needed to have a rich human experience. The disease of hoarding is one of the ways that we can observe how consumerism and “thing needing” corrupt our psyche, but you can see it as well among those who will budget for expensive tech rather than bothering to think about the dozens of people they could feed if they contributed to a food bank instead.

This is framed within a certain perception of reality, and its premise resides within the oppressive system in which we are all acculturated. Keep that in mind – while the principles can transit across realities, premises are rather less fluid. Each must consistently work to put forth their needs to the universe in order to see them manifest. The clearer we remain, the better the manifestation.

The more people who begin opening their minds to the abandonment of the false construct of money, the sooner we will be liberated from it. Persons not hypnotized by the system are needed to move us away from it. The hope is that you will join those growing numbers.


Receiving and Walls

In our modern world, we are pushed every day to achieve and “go somewhere”. Indeed, we’re not fulfilling our role in society unless we are breathlessly busy every waking minute! The pressure to achieve is so great that we are not given even a moment of time to ask why this pressure exists, or what “achieve” actually means. And this pressure is growing because of economic factors that make it increasingly difficult to provide the basic necessities for ourselves. For those who do not struggle with providing the basics, there is the added pressure of performing as a technological being, to purchase the latest and greatest gadget and be up-to-date on the most recent advances in a technological paradigm.

If one were to ponder this, one might begin to think that this is deliberate. That there is some power at work behind the scenes striving to keep humans from Knowing who we really are. It is an interesting contemplation to consider, perhaps even an important one. But then, I couch these things in rhetorical language because it is up to each individual to discover the truth for themselves. Filling our lives with busy-ness and noise serves to keep us disconnected from our Truth and our true self, from each other and nature, filled with distractions and negative energy. Such an environment creates many impediments to Receiving.

What is Receiving? This is not simply the act of holding out your hands and letting another place something in them, but it is important to remember that happy feeling you had when this occurred in your childhood. Remember the smile that would transform you and shoot little sparks of joy through your small body. Remember the way it made you want to laugh and dance when somebody handed you a small present. At the time, it was not about the gathering of things or greed or hoarding. Allow your awareness to travel back to a time before you were aware of the commercial holy-day known as “christmas” to a time when you and your tiny playmates would hand things to each other for the joy of it alone. When you re-member this state of Being, you will see that it was not about the consumption of useless junk. Such moments were the experience of joy one feels when one is loved, and the outward expression of it that is not in the thing given, but in the Giver and the one Receiving.

As we get older, we are told that nobody is going to give us things unless it is through an obligatory construct, such as expected birthdays and holidays. It is because these things have become obligatory that we sometimes avoid people on birthdays and holidays. We don’t want anyone to oblige us into gifting! That would be terrible. Our responsibilities and demands are already stressful, and adding to them would make our heads explode! At least, this is what we believe, because we experience the feeling of overwhelm and stress on a daily basis so long as we abide within the dark matrix.

To cope with such stress, we learn to build Walls. In our childhood, it is through exclusion and prejudice. We are trained to feel bias toward certain people, and the patterns are input into our programs, where they become fundamental to our being. As we get older, and our natural aversion to status quo as pre-teens kicks in, these programs can lead to bullying and great harm. Sexism, racism, classicism become the realities we face daily, and even though they are programs, they are no less real to our experience. Here the promise of harmful programs begins to bear deadly fruit, and humans show the warping that toxic social structures intend. It seems impossible to uproot this evil fruit, so it is internalized and normalized. Everyone becomes this way, it seems, and empathy becomes a dangerous luxury.

In order to maintain these unnatural and toxic patterns, more walls have to be built. Just as the natural forest cannot be contained into a proper English garden without careful planning, tending, and construction, so is the healthy human consciousness. We are beautifully wired for a deeply cooperative and empathetic society where there would be no conflict or wars, should we be allowed to develop naturally. Without toxic intervention, we are so much more than aggression, terror, and avarice. The bad programming is so insidious that once immersed within it, one believes that his/her basic nature contains these terrible things. How clever this long game has been to convince us that we are bad.

When good people believe at their root that they are actually bad, and must follow harsh laws in order to mitigate their innate evil, they become very easy to manipulate and control. The key to understanding what is “bad” is very simple: do our intentions and actions negatively impact others? This is all we need consider to break the cycle, and why maintaining a Wall that prevents you from conscious responsibility is important in controlling you.

Because these walls are unnatural to us, and so disruptive to the way we are naturally configured, we have to build more walls to cope with them. Slowly, over time, it becomes more difficult to function according to our true natures. For those who have experienced greater levels of abuse in this system, it is difficult to experience a moment of joy in true gifting. One may find that the energy body has shifted and receiving can feel very foreign. Even the flow of energy changes from flow to a kind of pre-emptive aggression, pushing our energy outside of ourselves in yet another type of Wall.

Imagine a scenario where you are outside on a beautiful twilight evening. It is warm and pleasant with a cool breeze. The lawn you sit upon is green and fragrant with recent cutting. You are alone where you sit in a beautiful park surrounded by hundreds of people who are similarly enjoying the evening. All of you are there to hear a magnificent symphony played by a world renowned orchestra. The event is free, and refreshments have been provided to everyone. Every face around you is smiling, or engaged in conversation with friends, or rapturously soaking in the beautiful music.

What are you feeling? Are you happy? Are you fluctuating between moments of happiness punctuated by moments of worrying about this or that thing that you believe requires your attention? Are you distressed because you are there without friends? Are you checking your cell phone for text messages? Did you bring a book so that you wouldn’t be embarrassed by your solitude in a crowd? Do you close your eyes in meditation so that people will think you are someone who is above all of this and won’t judge you for being alone?

I think that we have all been there at some point, hitting one or more of our Walls. And this is okay. It’s human. The exercise is intended, not as a life lesson, but as an opportunity.

One can shift this energy by Remembering how to Receive. By consciously opened up the energy body and allowing the riches of the moment to flow into us, leaving the notions of what we do or don’t deserve behind, we can dissolve those Walls.

There can be a poverty that comes from being extraordinarily gifted souls who are forced into a deeply toxic paradigm where we are told we must be closed off from others and our environment. Learning what gives us the ability to release those walls is an important endeavor toward regaining our sense of Wholeness.

In the example, it is more than listening to the beautiful music, or smelling the grass, or drinking a beverage. It is the practice of allowing the entire experience to penetrate and fill you with its energy, taking down the barriers between you and your experience of Being human. In such an exercise, we are breaking the laws imposed on us to remain aloof, selfish, and disconnected from those around you.

To Receive means that we have to Feel. It means we have to do the most dangerous thing of all – to become larger than we think we are capable of Becoming. You that you are greater and more important than you know, because you are a necessary component of the Greater Consciousness. This isn’t something that you have to work toward or strive to achieve – it is already a component of our Truth. But when we live such a small existence inside of tightly controlled walls, it seems impossible. To experience a Larger Life and Receive the immensity of it, we must find great strength within ourselves.

This strength is something that we must learn over time, and via a longer journey, whereby we realize that it is something we also already possess. The lessons can be very difficult during this process of Discovering, but they are ultimately worth it. Just as we must work to enlarge a muscle, so we must work to become more and more comfortable with Opening to Receive. You can find Moments throughout your day to practice this, be it a nice scenario like the one I described, or a less pleasant one such as a public transit train station or a boring office meeting. These are very valid places to learn how to be Open to the world around you, and to begin to recognize that you are part of something Greater.

Remember the joy of receiving you experienced in childhood, and allow that joy to suffuse your practice. Those moments of joy are part of your toolkit for life, and deserve to be employed as often as possible. Use them in joy and peace.
