
In ancient Greek, the word “Aletheia” means “truth”. But there is a higher spiritual connotation than the word carries with it today. In American English, “truth” is generally understood as “that which isn’t false or un-true”, a reflection in negative, rather than direct experience in the positive or nominative expression of the word.

This is likely because of long efforts to disengage the populace from a direct experience of reality in favor of a highly controlled paradigm, one with rulers that would be palatable to a people raised on stories of liberty and freedom. Those long efforts are becoming visible to an increasing number of people and some are speaking out. But resistance is not enough. We have to Reconnect with the direct experience that gives us Lived Truth, rather than simple intellectual comprehension.

Truth is a vibratory state, a frame of being and understanding beyond a calculation of facts and/or figures. Truth carries Gnosis, that which is ineffable and cannot be expressed by facts or figures. This is why Truth must be experienced, and why it is difficult to use our language to convey this. We can use metaphors like “breathing” or “vibrating” but because American English is now so literal these concepts are approaching the laughable instead of the ineffable. This is by design. Removing the poetry (symbolic conceptualization) from our thinking processes has also left us bereft of all that is numinous and wondrous about human existence. A people without the numinous become a people without Hope. People without hope are much easier to control.

The Journey we share is more than experience, more than words, more than life. It is the foundation of something that all beings are on this planet to accomplish. No one is going to do that work for you – the entire point of Being is that you yourself must Be. It is you who must find the connection and make it. The good news is that the connection is readily available and in plain sight. All you must do is reach out your hand, open your mind, disengage the toxic thought patterns that drag you into wastefulness, and breathe.

There are no accidents. I share with you not as a “me” telling you what to think or feel, but to offer a glimpse into my reality bubble, shared with love, honoring and respecting that your sovereign self will know what is best for you in every moment. I am giving to you and to myself what would-be teachers could not – the recognition of y/our integral wisdom and beauty where you/I/we reside in the perfection of what is.

We have been waiting for you for oh so long.

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